Saturday, January 16, 2010


This is my first January working in a pharmacy. As the veteran techs were trying to prepare me for all the crap that was coming, I honestly didn't think it could be that bad. I mean, January 1st comes every year, no matter what, for as long as I can remember. You would think that people would remember that insurance deductibles, new plans, and all that good stuff happens at the same time every year, kind of like taxes, or your birthday. I seriously over-estimated the intelligence of our average patient. I couldn't believe how many people, after being told how much their copay would be responded with indignation, hostility, or blank stares and a "But that's not what I paid last month!" At the mention of the word "deductible," it was worse. One woman practically screamed at us that she had never had to pay a deductible before and wasn't going to start now just because we were a greedy bunch of pill pushers. Now repeat this scenario times the 400-500 rx's we do per day.... it becomes easy to hate humanity.

I did have one experience out of the ordinary, from a crotchety old man who, though he rarely complains, is not usually our most congenial customer. I went as follows...

Me: OK Mr. Smith, you total is $13.34

Mr. Smith: That's a little high, did you run that through insurance?

I glance at the tag to see if insurance letters are on it, preparing my now automatic response about the start of new year/deductible resets....

Me: Yes sir, this was run through your insurance, but since it a new.....

Mr. Smith, totally cutting me off: Well, that's good enough for me.

Me, absolutely dumbfounded/overjoyed: You have a wonderful day sir!!!!

I just wish that would happen more often.

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